Σετ: 3 kg, 10kg
Epoprimer 241 Solvent-free epoxy primer (renaming of Epolux primer 113)
EPOPRIMER 241 is used for priming surfaces of cement-based floors which will be covered with epoxy paints or EPOXY FLOOR systems, as well as a compound for plastering material used on cracks and smoothing substrate surfaces.
It offers great toughness, high durability against abrasion and chemicals (alkalis, dilute acids, water, mineral oils and several solvents)
It is suitable for industrial areas, small industries, warehouses, department stores, hotels, garages, high traffic areas, cars repair shops, etc
Surface must be dry, clean, stable, free from materials that prevent adhesion, such as dust, loose materials, grease etc. and protected against rising humidity.
The following specifications must be kept: Concrete quality: at least C20/25 Floor mortar Quality: cement content at 350 kg/m3, Aging: at least 28 days, Substrate Humidity content < 4%.
Depending on the nature of the substrate, appropriate pre-treatment should be performed, such as brushing, grinding, sandblasting, water blasting, shot blasting, etc. Then, the surface should be cleaned from dust with a high suction vacuum cleaner.
Primer mixing
Components A and B must be packed in dispensers with a predetermined mixing ratio. Component A is stirred for one minute before mixing. Then, Component B is fully added to Component A. Component A is stirred for one minute before mixing. Then, Component B is fully added to Component A. Mixing both components lasts about 3 minutes using a low-speed drill (300rpm). It is important that mixing is applied to the walls and the bottom of the dispenser as well, for component B to be evenly distributed.
Depending on the use:
For priming
The mixture is applied in a single layer using a roller or a brush.
In case that the final layer is about to be applied after 24 hours from the primer’s application, trampling of the surface using quartz sand M32 is required to ensure the quality of adhesion before the primer’s hardening. After the primer’s hardening, non-attached grains of sand must be removed with a high-absorbency vacuum cleaner.
For plastering
Firstly, the surface must be primed with EPOPRIMER 241.
Plastering compound preparation: 1 part of EPOPRIMER 241, Quartz sand M32:2-3 parts. Mixing the sand and the primer well is important. Plastering material is applied on the surface in one layer.
Download Technical Specification Document from here
Material Safety Data Sheet is provided upon request. Apply here

Without dilution


Toothed Spatula

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