Tetradom MT135
TETRADOM MT135 is a fibre-reinforced cementitious mortar, reinforced with organic polymers for external thermal insulation systems. It provides high bonding, flexibility and moisture resistance. It has zero slip and a long open time of application. Classified as GP CS IV W2 type mortar according to EN 998-1.
Add the mortar to clean water while stirring with an electric mixer until a uniform mixture is obtained. Allow the mixture to mature for about 10 minutes.
As adhesive:
On flat substrates (e.g. plastered surfaces), spread the adhesive on the insulation board and comb it with a notched trowel so that it is evenly distributed over the entire surface. On uneven substrates, apply the adhesive to the perimeter of the insulation board and in selected areas in the centre of the board. Then place the insulating board by pressing it into the desired position.
As base coat:
Initially, apply the product with a notched trowel to a thickness of 3-4mm. On the still wet layer, place 145-160gr/m2 glass mesh and press with a smooth trowel so that the mesh is fully embedded in the adhesive. Finally, smooth the surface and at the same time remove the excess glue.
Download Technical Specification Document from here
Material Safety Data Sheet is provided upon request. Apply here
6,00-6,25lit/ bag 25kg
Toothed Spatula
As adhesive: 3.00-5.00Kg/m2 As base coat: Approximately 1,50 Kg/m2 /mm
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