Σετ: 13,5 kg
Epolux Floor 640 Self-leveling (renaming of Epolux 116)
Epolux floor 640 is a ready-to-mix epoxy system of two components without solvents for creating self-levelling floors.
It has great toughness, gloss and friction resistance.
It has excellent resistance to sea water, oxides, mineral oils and several solvents.
It is suitable for industrial areas, small industries, warehouses, department stores, hotels, garages, high traffic areas, cars repair shops, etc.
The surface must be dry, clean, stable, free from materials that prevent adhesion, such as dust, loose materials, grease etc. and protected against rising humidity.
The following specifications must be kept:
Concrete quality: at least C20/25,Floor mortar quality: cement content at 350 Kg/m3,Aging: at least 28 days,Substrate humidity content < 4%
Depending on the nature of the substrate, appropriate pre-treatment should be performed, such as brushing, grinding, sandblasting, water blasting, shot blasting, etc. Then, the surface should be cleaned from dust with a high suction vacuum cleaner.
Primer Application
Priming must be applicated using EPOPRIMER 241 in one layer by roller or brush (2 layers required in case of increasingly porous substrate)
After priming application plastering must be administered locally with a mix of EPOLUX FLOOR 640 and quartz sand, in proportions of 1:2 to 1:3 per weight.
EPOLUX FLOOR 640 application must be done within 24 hours from the time primer is administered. In case that it is about to be applicated after the 24 hours time limit, trampling of the surface must be done using quartz sand M32. After the primer’s hardening, non -attached grains of sand must be removed with a high-absorbency vacuum cleaner.
When the substrate is wet (humidity bigger than 4%) or the floor is a new concrete based floor (3-28 days) surface must be primed with epoxy water-based primer EPOPRIMER 241AQ.
Self-levelling Coat Application
Depending on the form of the final surface:
For a smooth surface
The mixture must be applied by pulling with a notched trowel to a thickness of 2-3mm.
To release the trapped air in the applied self-levelling coating, a special pin roller must firstly be applied to the surface.
For a non-slippery surface
Mixture is applied as in the case of a smooth surface. Trampling of the still wet surface using quartz sand M32 is required, accordingly to the desirable non-slippery result.
After the hardening of EPOLUX FLOOR 640, non-attached grains of sand must be removed with a high-absorbency vacuum cleaner. A final sealing layer of EPOLUX FLOOR 640 must be applied.
Painting Application
Depending on the form of the final surface:
For a smooth surface
A+B mixture is applied by roller in two layers. The second layer is applied when the first one dries, but within 24 hours from the initial application.
For a non-slippery surface
Mixture is applied as in the case of a smooth surface.
Trampling of the still wet surface using quartz sand M32 is required, accordingly to the desirable non-slippery result.
After the hardening of EPOLUX FLOOR 640, non-attached grains of sand must be removed with a high-absorbency vacuum cleaner. A final sealing layer of EPOLUX FLOOR 640 must be applied.
Download Technical Specification Document from here
Material Safety Data Sheet is provided upon request. Apply here

Without dilution


Toothed Spatula

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